Welcome to our region

Moin, that's what they say here morning, noon and night. We simply wish you a really nice day, and you can have one, because you have made a good decision with a vacation at the Kreidesee. Divers are completely happy here and are happy to come back because there is always something new to discover in this unique lake. But all other guests will not miss out either. A walk through our Wingst forest area? A visit to the zoo, a stroll through the old towns of Otterndorf or Stade? A boat trip on the Medem or a day at the museum? Take a look at the largest fruit-growing area, Altes Land, or enjoy a fish sandwich on the beach in Cuxhaven, Otterndorf or on the Elbe beach island of Krautsand - you will find everything you need for a few relaxing days of vacation within easy reach. There are plenty of exciting excursion destinations for your children. And if you meet one of the friendly North German locals along the way, don't forget to wish them a friendly “Moin”. (But only one please, Moin Moin is babble!)